Monday, April 20, 2009


 Well we have had quite the week. Ryder came down with the Chicken Pox or as he calls them "squito bites" and we have been quarantined to the house. We have had restless (for me sleepless) nights and rough days, but we seem to be pulling through it. I am just glad that this happened before the baby came...I don't even want to think how rough that would have been! So this is just to document my little guy who looks not like his cute little self, he told us today his face was "Rally Metsy"....I had to agree.

P.S. Sorry about the picture quality, it is off of our video camera, since our other camera is Out of Order.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Camping Trip


We spent the weekend at Mission Beach camping with some good friends. We enjoyed swimming in the ocean, exploring the rainforests, visiting the most beautiful waterfalls, and braving the wind and rain storms. We finished off the day with an Easter egg hunt, it took the kids a minute to understand the concept, but they loved finding all the chocolates the Easter Bunny left behind. Ryder loved going camping, especially with his pal Ellie, and he was so devastated when we pulled into our driveway, we promised we would go again soon. We really are enjoying visiting all the places that are around, but there is so much more to see, we are trying to scope out the best places for when you all come for your Aussie adventure, but until then here is your glimpse at what we have to offer.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

new house


Just a couple snap shots of the outside of our place.....this might be it for a while since Ryder got his little paws on our camera and it no longer works. We are loving all the room we have to move around in. It is pretty bare everywhere, but thanks to the generosity of good friends here we have been able to furnish it with most of the necessities....including a designer white plastic lawn table with metal chairs to top off the ensemble! I'm not proud. I have to learn that I can't have it all right now and it is ok if my house isn't cute....we will get there someday! Ryder loves the new house and tells everyone that it has a pool...which is a necessity here in my opinion. We think it will be great especially when the new baby comes and we won't be leaving the house for months, at least we can go for a swim. The weather is beautiful these days, it is cool in the morning and hot in the day and cools off some at night. We can't wait for everyone to come for a visit. We are planning all the places to visit when Bama and Bampa come in July, Ryder points at all the planes overhead and says "Bampa coming". We hope everyone is doing great. We love and miss you all.
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